May 6, 2012

next step

Why why why has it been so long since I have updated or posted anything?! I would love to blame it on fun vacations and lots of down time spent with hubby and friends. 
Truth is --- {{drum roll please}}---  WE BOUGHT A HOUSE! So all that "down time" lately has been spent packing, picking out paint colors, and preparing our "plan of attack" for the house :D It truly is very exciting (or at least I am telling myself that as it's very overwhelming too). This is a totally new step for my hubby and I to take. 
Closing on the house and moving will be this week (crossing our fingers)!!! It really has been one roller coaster of a ride during the last three months - picking a house, working with the realtors, many hours spent dealing with the bank and SIGNING OUR NAMES 100,000 times- {ok.. exaggeration a tiny bit, but still felt like it}.
The best part about this house is that almost every room needs a facelift. Which means lots of neat ideas floating around in this little head of mine. Thank goodness for the internet, including (if you haven't seen this site yet check it out------> here!
My goal (cough cough.."goal") is to have this blog devoted to "BEFORE & AFTERS"of the house so that I can keep track for myself (memories to look back on later) and to share with you! :) 
Stay tuned for lots of posts about our long haul of house projects :)

catch up with you later - (sooner than last time, I promise)


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