Jan 30, 2012


For the baby shower I hosted a few weeks ago (see it here), one of the things I made for the cute momma-to-be were yarn covered cardboard initials for baby Theo. 

I got the idea from this source: way to go pinterest idea!

I started with purchasing the letters and yarn from a local craft store. Then found an "investment tool" at my in-laws house (WHOOO for my "new" used glue gun of my VERY OWN!!-- LOVE IT!!) 

I started by hot glueing the end of the string to the base of the shortest side of each letter. Then by wrapping (in smooth lines) I continued to wrap all the way around each side evenly. It takes time... lots and lots of time to get each one to line up properly. 


Best piece of advice is to hot glue tiny dots (on the back of the letter only) every so often, this way you are securing the smooth lines you just created.  For the round 'B' letter, you have to cut the string off the yarn ball (I cut about 5 feet at a time) and weave it in and out of the inner circle of the letter. 

Here is the next trick.... LAYER! .. layer.. and then layer again!  I'm pretty sure my final outcome has four layers on it. The layering really helps hide spots that may be hard to cover- like corners!  Sometimes, no matter how hard you try or how much glue you use, it still shows... so last and finally just paint those spots that you just can not cover.


So there ya' have it folks! 
Gotta love craft days- no matter how long they take :)

again.. forgive me and the cell phone pictures

Jan 25, 2012

check this out.

Do we ever stop to fully think about what Jesus did for US? What suffering he went through to truly devote his life to save the world!?

These lyrics really struck me today:

Seated above, enthroned in the Father's LOVE

Destined to die, poured out for all mankind

God's only son, perfect and spotless one

He NEVER sinned, but SUFFERED as if he did

All authority, every victory is Yours

Savior, worthy of honor and glory, worthy of 

all our praise, 

You overcame!!

song and lyrics by: Jeremy Camp

Jan 21, 2012

Baby Shower Edition

One of my best friends in the entire world is having her FIRST baby!  We are all so excited to welcome baby Theo into the world sometime in March.

Here are some photos from the shower I threw for her and baby Theo

 The excitement started the night before as this crazy crew helped me hang up streamers for the party. 

 Yes, even my crazy father helped out - we had a blast setting up!

This is a glimpse of what the treats looked like. I tried to keep it simple because it was an afternoon shower.
  Food included a layered taco dip, strawberries stuff with creamy cheesecake, salad, and a layered fruit dish for dessert.

 For drinks I made mint water, sangria, and punch. 

I hung a clothesline across a section of our apartment and hung little outfits from the line.
 just a little extra decoration :) 

I asked each of the girls to bring a book for baby Theo instead of a card. The idea turned out so cute! I love that he will have books with personal notes in the front to keep for years to come. (She was so excited to add to his book collection too) 

These lovely ladies have been through so many good times together! We are all so eager to welcome a new bundle of joy to the world soon! Baby Theo will hear lots of fun stories of his mom from these ladies.

Congrats Hannah and Cody! May God bless you as you teach Theo all there is to learn and watch as he grows in your love. I can't wait to meet this little man soon! 

Jan 2, 2012

Crafty day off! :)

These are the best days-- days you can stay in your pj's as long as possible, rent a movie and not worry about the world. Leaving work, house chores and cleaning aside and just CRAFT!! whooo!

I just ordered these beauties from my photographer (Valerie Ott Photography). I couldn't wait to get them up on the walls of our boring cute apartment :)


Here is what I did to get them up. 

First, I measured the length of ribbon I wanted and laid out the pattern for the wall

Then I attached the velcro straight to the back of the photos and ribbon. 

 A few nails later,  our hallway looks fresh with wedding photos! :) 

Jan 1, 2012

Romans 12:12

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

Pretty appropriate that I came upon this verse this morning as we start fresh in 2012.
{note the 12 in the verse and year-- in case you didn't catch that one ;) }
2011 was such an amazing, busy, life changing, eventful, blessed year! I'm very ready to see what this new year has in store for us as we let go and let God take control of our next steps. 

Motivational encouragement for 2012: Giving, Patient, Prayer, Quiet, Open minded, Hopeful & Healthy

Dig deeper into God's Holy Word Folks' -- its a great first step into 2012! 

Blessings to you and yours on this first day of the new year!