Jan 17, 2011


If you haven't heard this song yet.. you NEED to! Amazing words of Christ spoken inside one incredible set of lyrics. Christ Tomlin always knows how to speak truth. What a blessing to realize what a great creator we have. Take a look at our living example:

"All your ways are GOOD

All your ways are SURE

I will trust in you ALONE

Higher than my SIGHT

High above my LIFE

I will trust in you ALONE!

Where you go, I'll GO

Where you stay, I'll STAY

When you move, I'll MOVE


Who you love, I'll LOVE

How you serve I'll SERVE

{{ If this life I lose, I will follow you }}


Light unto the world-- Light unto my life-- I will live for you alone-- You're the one I seek-- Knowing I will find-- All I need in you alone, in you alone!!"

Jan 10, 2011


Today, begin with committing everything you do to the Lord. He will help you and strengthen you as you walk hand in hand with him through all you do. If it is getting out of bed, or getting through a tough challenge, trust that he will guide you along every hurdle and every smile. 
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Phil 4:13
Happy Monday.