For the baby shower I hosted a few weeks ago (see it here), one of the things I made for the cute momma-to-be were yarn covered cardboard initials for baby Theo.
I got the idea from this source: way to go pinterest idea!
I started with purchasing the letters and yarn from a local craft store. Then found an "investment tool" at my in-laws house (WHOOO for my "new" used glue gun of my VERY OWN!!-- LOVE IT!!)
I started by hot glueing the end of the string to the base of the shortest side of each letter. Then by wrapping (in smooth lines) I continued to wrap all the way around each side evenly. It takes time... lots and lots of time to get each one to line up properly.

Best piece of advice is to hot glue tiny dots (on the back of the letter only) every so often, this way you are securing the smooth lines you just created. For the round 'B' letter, you have to cut the string off the yarn ball (I cut about 5 feet at a time) and weave it in and out of the inner circle of the letter.
Here is the next trick.... LAYER! .. layer.. and then layer again! I'm pretty sure my final outcome has four layers on it. The layering really helps hide spots that may be hard to cover- like corners! Sometimes, no matter how hard you try or how much glue you use, it still shows... so last and finally just paint those spots that you just can not cover.
So there ya' have it folks!
Gotta love craft days- no matter how long they take :)
again.. forgive me and the cell phone pictures